Hi y'all.
Here's to you some inspirations 'On History and Writing'. Enjoy.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me.
Until next time - Majken xx

The history of popcorn
Where does popcorn initially come from? When did the first popcorn machine appear? And when (& why) did American movie theatres begin to sell popcorn (after seeing it as a lowbrow street food, not exclusive enough for their establishment)? You’ll find all the answers in this short animated history lesson.
An ode to ancient arts
From 2,900 photos of ancient art and craftsmanship taken in Istanbul, the Syrian-German film director and animator Waref Abu Quba has collected several video scenes and put them into the short film TAKRAR. It’s a celebration of Islamic, Ottoman, Greek, and Byzantine art forms and it’s beautiful.
New knowledge on female warriors
History doesn’t always have to be written by historians. In fact, sometimes projects, such as making a movie, may dig up other valuable sources that are not part of the official narrative. This happened when the film The Woman King was made. It’s about the women warriors from the all-female military regiment of the ancient African kingdom of Dahomey (modern-day Benin). When writing the script, as the lead actor, Viola Davis, tells in this program, all that existed was material written from the point of view of the oppressors. And so the crew started to consult local historians and academics from Benin, who shared knowledge that successors to these fearless female fighters had passed down from generation to generation. All from the lyrics of the songs they used to sing and the food they used to eat to how the societal norms worked. Interesting.

It’s a daily battle to be yourself
I’ve often heard the phrase “just be yourself”; however, it’s not an easy task when it comes to it - neither in life in general nor when creating.
Q: “How should I write?”
A: “Find your own voice. Just be yourself”.
It’s easier said than done. Here’s a perspective:
“Being yourself is a continuous effort.
There is always another expectation placed upon you, another person pulling you toward their preferences, another nudge from society to act a certain way.
It’s a daily battle to be yourself, not merely what the world wants you to be.”
Inspired by James Clear, 3-2-1 newsletter.
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‘On History and Writing’ is a blog post from me to you in which I share historically rooted real-life stories from around the world - told in exciting and creative ways - along with thoughts that circle the creative process of writing non-fiction texts. I post an email once every fortnight. If you're not already a subscriber, you are welcome to join the list. Thanks for reading! Majken xx