I have seen quite a few editions of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” over the years. This Muppet version is definitely at the top of my list. (The HBO mini-series is also very good!)
Christmas is here! When Charles Dickens published “A Christmas Carol” back in 1843, it immediately became a huge success. It was published 19 December - 6.000 copies - and was already sold out by Christmas Eve. At the end of 1844, no less than thirteen editions had been released and by February 1844, eight theatrical productions had been staged. On a more personal level…The painter Vincent Van Gogh once stated that he absolutely loved the book and that it actually had kept him from committing suicide.
Here’s to you, a Handful of History - 5 creative things on history I thought were worth sharing. Enjoy!
The Five Minute Museum. Flip through the history of human objects - from arrowheads to plastic toys - in only 5 minutes. Using items from some of the premier historical museums of Europe, the UK director Paul Bush has created a cartoon-like short film, showing (a whole lot of) human-made artifacts (fast-speed, 24 images per second) as they were made from ages ago and right up until today.
Anthropology of Hair. J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere, was a Nigerian photographer who documented the creativity of Nigerian hairstyles - and how these hairdos articulated social and cultural life. Photographer Medina Dugger pays tribute to his work in ‘An Ode to J.D. ’Okhai Ojeikere’. Here she portrays women with “elaborately sculpted hair, embellished with brightly coloured wools and extensions”. It’s wonderfully creative.
Darwin’s Work Saved by Children's Drawings. Darwin’s young children painted pictures on the back of draft manuscripts of their father's books and notes. As these children’s drawings were precious to the Darwin family the pieces of paper were preserved. Which was really lucky since later it turned out that the scribblings Mr. Darwin had made here were his original texts of the ‘Origin of Species’ and other of his famous work.
A Love Story. Recently I’ve been listening to the story about a couple who, while renovating their house in San Francisco, finds a diary that has been hidden away for more than a century (quite adventurous!). The diary is written by Hans Jorgen Hansen, a Danish immigrant (it was he who built the house) and it holds a heartbreaking love story about Hans and the young girl from his hometown whom he never stopped loving… Read or listen to ‘Castles In The Sky’ right here.
Letters From Father Christmas. Do you have a favourite Christmas book? One of mine is J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Letters From Father Christmas”. It begins like this: “Christmas House, North Pole, 22nd December 1920. Dear John. I heard you ask daddy what I was like and where I lived. I have drawn me and my house for you. Take care of the picture. I am just off now for Oxford with my bundle of toys - some for you. Hope I shall arrive in time: the snow is very thick at the North Pole tonight. Your loving Father Christmas.” (And Speaking of Tolkien…These days 'The Lord of the Rings' cast is crowdfunding to buy J.R.R. Tolkien's home and turn it into a literary center. Donations are greatly appreciated.)
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See you next time.
Majken xx

Buying a book for Christmas? Consider spending your money at your local bookstore if possible. The graphic novel publisher SelfMadeHero has launched a campaign on social media calling for artists to support bookshops with a drawing of their favourite store. (Drawing by @carljpeck) #drawyourbookshop