Lhakpa Sherpa is a tough woman. She has climbed the Mt. Everest no less than ten times!
Mountain Queen
On May 12th, 2022, the Nepalese, 48-year-old woman, Lhakpa Sherpa, was climbing to the top of Mt. Everest and it was her tenth time here! How amazing is that?! In the movie “Mountain Queen - The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa,” we hear her incredible story, which is a tough story.
It started in a small village in Nepal where Sherpa was a bit of a tomb boy and didn’t fit into the traditional way of life. “Girls were nothing,” she says. For instance, only boys were allowed to go to school. In her family her role was to act as her younger brother’s school bus, carrying him forth and back to the teaching facilities every day - two hours each way (on terrible roads).
Eventually, Sherpa started assisting the increasing number of tourists who wanted to hike the Nepali mountains, a very unusual job for a woman. But mostly, she wished to climb Everest, and after knocking on numerous doors, she finally got some support. She became the leader of an all-women climbing team; however, only she made it to the top.
The next time Sherpa reaches the top of Everest, she’s in the company of George. George is a Romanian immigrant to the US and a bit of an underground legend in the climbing industry. George and Sherpa fall in love, and they climb Everest several times together. One thing leads to the next, and after a while, Sherpa follows George to the US, where they settle and have two little girls. But George’s rough upbringing becomes a problem. He mistreats Sherpa and the two girls, and in the end, they divorce. Sherpa is now in deep water again, and she struggles to create a life for herself and her children. Still, though, she hasn’t forgotten about climbing, and after some time, she goes up Everest once again.
“The stuff that you’ve accomplished is really amazing, and I feel like more people should know about it,” Sherpa’s youngest daughter, Sunny, says towards the end of the movie. And finally, Sherpa’s story is shared. It reaches the big media, and she receives the Tenzing Norgay Award, India's highest adventure sports honour. With the prize follows these words: “There’s an old Nepali expression that says having a daughter is like watering a neighbour's garden. That narrative is slowly changing. [..] What [Sherpa] has achieved is really quite staggering, and I hope she continues to break these glass ceilings.”
So, why did you summit Everest ten times? - Sherpa is asked. She answers: “Because I want to change Sherpa women’s life.” Sherpa, the people of the Nepali mountain, her people.
“Mountain Queen - The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa” (Netflix) is produced by the amazing film director, Lucy Walker, whose films has won over fifty awards - and been nominated for an Oscar two times.
Check out >> Lucy Walker Film
What words can do
A few months back, I wrote about a man who lived many years ago. He’d been quite a character: energetic, positive, and immensely strong, a ‘hooray-chap’ as someone described him in the sources. I needed some synonyms, so I looked up ‘energetic’, and while reading through the list, I became more energetic myself. Here’s a handful should you need it today:
Livelydynamic**spirited**vibrant**sparkling**bubbly**bright and breezy**passionate**enthusiastic**full of vim and vigour**vital**high-spirited**full of life**electrifying** And a more fancy version too.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time - Majken xx
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