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Historical Non-Fiction - Creative Writing
Majken Zein Sørensen

Majken Zein Sørensen
Jun 10, 20207 min read
We Need to Talk About the British Empire
PODCAST. What was it like to be a subject to the British Empire? And how does British colonial history affect the present?

Majken Zein Sørensen
May 28, 20208 min read
Rereading "Wild Swans"
BOOK. Rereading "Wild Swans" surely isn’t boring. However, it surely isn’t pleasant either.

Majken Zein Sørensen
May 14, 20206 min read
In Search of Black History
PODCAST. If you think you know about black history - listen to this.

Majken Zein Sørensen
Apr 29, 202013 min read
Staying Human - The Story of a Quiet WWII Hero
BOOK. It's not t h a t often we get to hear about WWII from a German citizen perspective. But here's your chance!

Majken Zein Sørensen
Apr 16, 20206 min read
The Arrival
BOOK. Shaun Tan's “The Arrival” is not only a book telling us about migration - it is also a piece of art.

Majken Zein Sørensen
Apr 2, 20205 min read
My Indian Odyssey
PODCAST. You feel like travelling, but the whole world has shut down. Here's a plan: Listen to this podcast!

Majken Zein Sørensen
Mar 19, 20205 min read
The Bletchley Circle
TV-SERIES. “The Bletchley Circle” shines a light on the many ‘invisible’ women who worked at Bletchley Park during WWII.

Majken Zein Sørensen
Mar 5, 20209 min read
Heimat - A German Family Album
BOOK. What happens when you challenge your shame of being a 'post-WWII German’? Nora Krug knows.

Majken Zein Sørensen
Feb 17, 20203 min read
Dolly Parton's America
PODCAST. This podcast is a walk through the life of Dolly Parton - but also you are taken down several historical side roads.

Majken Zein Sørensen
Feb 17, 20208 min read
The Colour of Time
BOOK. The Colour of Time is not a book. It is a Time Machine disguised as a publication.
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